Because it is strongly inserted in the Brazilian Northeast, the Kingdom ends up suffering cultural influence from that region. Typical festivals such as Carnival and June festivals are celebrated in the Kingdom. Corn-based foods such as hominy , mush and couscous are part of the typical foods of the people of Quintavel. Also among the typical foods are tapioca, manioc (cooked or fried), sun and beef jerky. Coffee is considered the typical drink of the Kingdom.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Carnival festivities and June festivals are celebrated in the Kingdom more effectively. Traditional dates like Christmas are also very busy in Quinta Velha.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The literature is heavily influenced by Northeastern authors such as Ariano Suassuna and Nísia Floresta. There is also the production of literature within the Kingdom itself, highlighting the collection of chronicles " Lost Chronicles of Everyday Life" written and published by the King himself.
Most religiosity is Catholic. Although there are no churches in the Kingdom, 82% of the population professes religion, practicing their services at home. 18% of the population is a spiritist and studies also take place in the homes of the Kingdom, without the existence of spiritist centers. There were no other forms of religiosity.